Hi. I am Ajay Rai.

I am a graduate engineer with experience in data analysis and applied machine learning. I am passionate about solving real world problems using analytical and programming skills. Hiking and snowboarding are two of my favourite pastimes.

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Here are some of the projects I have worked on.

Used Car Price Predictor
[Live Demo]

Purchasing a used car can be a hassle for some people. Having an estimate of a car's price can help them negotiate with sellers. As a result, I created a free web application that allows anyone to get an estimate of the price of a car they want to buy.

Tweet Sentiment Analysis

COVID-19 has altered the way we do business. People are increasingly working from home. I was curious to learn what the general public considered. As a result, I scraped the tweets and analysed them with NLP.

Cohort Analysis

Businesses can gain valuable insights about their customers' behavior by converting their customer data into cohort analysis charts. I converted the customer data into various cohort analysis charts and provided insights.

Facebook Engagement Metrics Forecast

Using customer data, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers' behaviour. It can help predict customer engagement for a particular post.

Web Scraper

Web scraping is a useful tool for data collection. I was eager to learn how to use the scraping tools. I scraped Hudson Bay's website with selenium and beautifulsoup.


For all enquiries, send me an email using the form below.

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